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Hi there, welcome to my site. My name is Ergest and I am deeply curious about the world. My whole life I have been fascinated with and have explored a variety of complex ideas, concepts and topics and this website is a reflection of that exploration.
I'm also passionate about teaching others what I have learned, especially when it comes to hard technical skills such as SQL. My purpose is to help you get so good at SQL you end up loving it as much as I do.
To that end I published a book called Minimum Viable SQL Patterns and I've done several live workshops on the patterns in the book and other data modeling patterns.
Here's a little bit about me:
- I'm originally from Albania, currently living in the US
- I studied computer science in college and love working with data
- I'm a generalist and quite happy about it
- Favorite music: Mostly EDM, some rock, some power metal occasionally
Here's a list of my favorite essays on this site:
- Understanding the Data Landscape Through Wardley Maps
- The Making of a Self-Educated Child Genius
- Why Unstructured Learning is the Secret to a Lucrative Career
- How to Get Lucky - The Elements of Serendipity
You can get my book in the Resources page.